Monitoring measures understood as systematic and organised observations of job coaches’ performance are aimed at improving the quality of their work and the workshops they organise, the methods and techniques they implement.

The ESM (the Electronic Monitoring System) and a set of forms describing the implemented activities are the tools for the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data needed to assess the activities of job coaches and other specialists who deal with supported employment.

The system aims at improving and automating the process of support data collection and analysis. Its key feature is maximal simplification of recording of specialists’ activities and limitation of formal procedural requirements. This enables the professionals to focus on the crucial aspect of Supported Employment: person-centred support.

The „Guidelines on Service Provision by Job Coaches. Toolset for Monitoring and Management of Job Coaches” contains both general and specific rules on job coach monitoring  through supervision and management facilitated by the Electronic Monitoring System. The publication also includes a set of forms which allow the job coach to record their interactions with the client as well as other activities performed by the job coach for the client (communication with the clinet’s family, employer, etc.).

wytyczne3_plGuidelines on Service Provision by Job Coaches
Set 3: Toolset for Monitoring and Management of Job Coaches

PDF: Polish version – 2240 KB




wytyczne3_enGuidelines on Service Provision by Job Coaches
Set 3: Toolset for Monitoring and Management of Job Coaches

PDF: English version – 2269 KB
