The job coach competency profile is extensive as they perform a wide range of tasks. It should pertain to three fundamental areas such as personal traits, knowledge and skills.

The diagram below depicts competencies recommended for each area in detail.




A detailed description of the job coach competency profile, the professional role (position) and the recommended working conditions, the job coach competency requirements as well as the criteria for effective and efficient job coach recruitment process can be found in „Wytyczne dotyczące świadczenia usług przez trenera pracy. Zestaw I. Zestaw narzędzi do rekrutacji trenerów pracy” („Guidelines on Service Provision by Job Coaches. Set 1: Job Coach Recruitment Toolset”).

wytyczne1_plGuidelines on service provision by Job coaches.
Set 1: Job Coach Recruitment Toolset

PDF: Polish version – 290 KB




wytyczne1_enGuidelines on services provided by job coaches
Set 1: Job Coach Recruitment Toolset

PDF: English version – 262 KB
